Time For Some Book Learnin!

I had an incredible list of free online learning resources shared with me earlier today and had to pass it along.

Learn thee well!

General Sites:

Schools and Universities:

Other General Sites:

Specialized Sites:

Computer Related:




eBooks/Online Books/Academic Journals:

Other Subjects:

The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know.

I will continue and add/edit/refine this list as my time permits. Please send me a message if you spot a broken link, have general grievance with some sort of error, or have a good link we can add.

Thank you Everyone!

Edit: It looks like this thread has been archived, so if anyone has any more suggestions please PM me. I plan to work on this list and add annotations for each link and maybe do some better organizing. When that is done I will post it again to try to get all the new links that have sprung up over the last year and to allow comments to be made again.

Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/cktxy/reddit_lets_compile_a_list_of_the_best_online/

What Makes America the Greatest Country in the World?

What do you think?  Is this off the mark, or is it time to roll up our sleeves, cut the divisive crap, and start working together towards a better future?  For me, the answer is self-evident.

Hat tip to Sean O’Hanlon for sharing this gem.

Free Climate Science 101 Class

Hat tip to Andrew Leach for sharing this on Twitter.


The University of Chicago is offering a Climate Science 101 class free online.  Check out the intro lecture below (11 mins), and then click on the following link if you feel inclined to sign up.


You’re Going To School For What?

When I tell people I’m back in school, I give them a moment for a spit take and then wait for the following questions.

Q1. Didn’t you get an MBA a couple of years ago?

A. Yep.

Q2. And you’re back in school?

A. Yep.

Q3. (Pause) Why are you back in school?

A. I enjoy building voluminous debts.  It’s character building…  Also, I want to become an expert in Sustainable Development so that I can pair that knowledge with my MBA to work on some of the toughest problems facing humanity.

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L.A. Eats: The Battle for Los Angeles

Harvard University Extension School

L.A. Eats: The Battle for Los Angeles


Department of Environmental Management


Chris Oestereich


St. Louis, MO

April, 2011

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