Behold the Warming Planet Crescendo

Ensia, the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment’s (IonE) fairly new online magazine has fast become one of my favorite sources for information and inspiration. The latest post is no disappointment as it shares a song which was written using climate data. Check out the video and realize that the climate is continuing to trend towards the slasher flick range of the musical spectrum. Serious stuff.

The accompanying post is available here.

Schrödinger’s Gun Cases: Unlocked and Loaded While Locked and Unloaded

Many Americans wish to have a firearm in the home for protection against intruders.   Unfortunately, having a firearm in the home brings a host of risks with it.   This paradox leaves people who wish to increase their safety, potentially decreasing it. For a firearm to be useful for self-defense, it typically needs to be loaded and readily accessible. For a firearm to be safe, it typically needs to be unloaded and locked up.

Due to this, Schrödinger Rifles has come up with a product that unwinds this quandary. They have developed a gun case that uses the latest discoveries in the field of quantum physics to hold the gun in two states. The gun is both locked and unloaded, and unlocked and loaded while in the case. When the case’s handle is pulled, it assesses the situation to determine whether there are any bad guys present, and then places the gun in the state that’s needed. Intruder in the home? Here’s your boomstick. Three year old nephew exploring your nightstand? They’ll never get into this vault!

But wait, there’s more!

Schrödinger Rifles has also developed a deluxe edition which holds the gun in three states, the third being “lost.” Police searching your home for the gun you used to rob a bank? Sorry, but it doesn’t exist when they open the case. How cool is that?!

The cases are now ready for pre-order and will be shipping soon. Click here to order now!

Are you ready to “Embrace the shake?”

Phil Hansen

I had the pleasure of meeting Phil Hansen (@Philinthecircle) at the recent Sustainable Brands conference in San Diego.  Phil is an artist who had to overcome, well, I should probably leave the story to him.  I’ll just say that I was inspired by his talk, and that I think you’ll come away from watching this with a new  perspective on limits.

Enjoy. (I sure did.)

I’m proud to post this on Father’s Day as my pop (and mom) taught me to believe I could do whatever I wanted in life.  There was a time I lost sight of that, but since I’ve renewed that belief (in no small part due to the support of my wife) my life has been on a different trajectory where possibility abounds.  I encourage you to cultivate the same outlook.  To paraphrase John Marshall Roberts (another incredible speaker at the Sustainable Brands conference), you have to remove your own inner barriers to change.